Well, if you want to know how to bond with your dog, you need to learn first and foremost how to train your dog properly. This might sound strange, but it truly is the most overlooked part of owning a dog and can lead to frustrations, both for the owner and the dog. It is important to teach your dog to obey your commands while it’s still young so that you can give it more freedom when it grows up. For example, training your dog to walk beside you outside will eliminate the need for leash most of the time. Also, a dog that waits for food can be trusted to roam around the house freely.
It will take some work to make your pet obey your commands if you haven’t really owned and trained a dog before. There is no trick to making the dog obey other than giving a simple and clear command, and doing it repeatedly. Be consistent in what you want your dog to do. If you don’t want it to sit on the sofa then tell it to get off every time you see it planted on the seats.