How to clean belly button

+56 votes
asked Sep 26, 2018 in Health & Wellness by AlyssaGoloub (500 points)
edited Dec 16, 2018
Is cleaning my belly button necessary? How to clean belly button? Anyone with any safe technique?

1 Answer

+21 votes
answered Jul 18, 2019 by NaomiUribe38 (360 points)
edited Jul 18, 2019

The belly button of every individual houses some microbes and contains a good amount of lint, dirt, dried sweat, and dead skin. Therefore, cleaning your belly button is very necessary, though scientists claim that the microbes in your belly button are not in any way harmful.

But how to clean belly button? It is believed that a mere shower can help get rid of lint, germs, and all what not. However, if your belly button is an innie, it will require regular digging with a cotton wool soaked in a mixture of soap, water and rubbing alcohol. But an outie will require the use of a washcloth soaked with some soap.

Use the following steps to clean up your normal belly button. I do hope this helps!

  1. Get your supplies together. Here are some suggestions for you to experiment with: water, baby oil, cotton swabs, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and a different astringent such as witch hazel.
  2. Dip one end of your cotton swab into any cleaning solution you have chosen and poke around your belly button with it. Make sure you are gentle all through the cleaning process.
  3. If your belly button is still dirty, throw the used swabs away and repeat the procedure. If you have a dry belly button, make use of some Neosporin and work your way round your belly button. Be slow, and move in a circular pattern. Make sure you get right to the center before you remove the cream with the swab completely.

Unfortunately, there are cases where the belly button have become so bad that a personal cleaning cannot stop the smell or infection. In such a situation, simply considering how to clean belly button cannot solve your problem, you need to pay a visit to your dermatologist or personal doctor. A healthcare practitioner will have the right tools to dig into your infected and smelly navel to get rid of the offenders. And you don't have to be embarrassed because the doc must have seen worse cases.

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