Before you choose to confront the person, ponder for a while. Do you honestly think you are being treated unfairly or badly? If you are worried then, let’s put it this way, is it worth fighting over? Will there be a negative effect to you or him if it continues? If so, then we shall confront him.
To start with, there is no need to think that “fighting” is part of the package of confronting someone, that is what stopping you. You can just have a friendly and civil discussion about it. Maybe the next time the issue arises then you just speak your hearts about your disagreement to them. Fight that mental block. Make sure that whatever you are spouting are facts. Then let him have the chance to defend his behaviour. Stop talking and just listen. State that whatever they are doing is against your beliefs. Don’t drag others into this mind you, it is your own confrontation, what you don’t like seeing more of from him in the future. Then open up to a resolution for the situation, the relationship is about compromises anyway.