How to feel better on your period

+19 votes
asked Mar 31, 2019 in Health & Wellness by Alberta52C9 (240 points)
edited Jul 7, 2019
You’re bloated, tired, and crying for no reason. Then it hits that you just got your period. Every girl has been through this. During that time of the month, I feel so sick that it kind of puts my life on hold, which is a huge inconvenience. There has to be something I can do. Can anyone share with me how to feel better on your period?

7 Answers

+11 votes
answered May 9, 2019 by Kaylin (1,000 points)
edited May 13, 2019
I know it’s the last thing you feel like doing, but to feel better on your period you should try to do some light exercises like stretching, yoga, or swimming. These easy exercises will help get your blood flowing better, which helps get rid of cramping or at least minimize it. Sitting still and laying and bed can make you feel worse. Once you overcome initially getting up and moving it’ll make a huge difference!
+10 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by BarneyKendal (370 points)
edited Aug 8, 2019
Sometimes you just need to pamper yourself when you’re feeling bad! Try taking a long, warm bath to feel better on your period. They’re always relaxing, but during your period it can help soothe those cramps. To make it extra special add some scented body wash or a bath bomb.
+7 votes
answered Jul 17, 2019 by AnaMillican (350 points)
edited Aug 5, 2019
One of the best things to help you feel better on your period is to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. Your body is going through a lot of changes and putting in effort in places it usually doesn’t during your period, so it’s important to be rested. If you think you need a nap, then take a nap!
commented Jun 7, 2015 by DarrelSchrei (260 points)
This is definitely a great, if not the best, way for how to feel better on your period. But how can I sleep during work, I kinda want to sleep all the day when having my period.
+1 vote
answered May 17, 2019 by ColeChild953 (170 points)
edited Jul 24, 2019
When we feel bloated and full, we usually don’t think about drinking enough water. Drinking more water and staying hydrated will actually get rid of the excess water easier and help you feel better on your period. You don’t have to chug glasses of water, but make sure to keep a water bottle with you to keep hydrated throughout the day.
+1 vote
answered Jun 26, 2019 by ArletteSjj77 (160 points)
edited Jul 15, 2019
A heating pad will be your best friend! Soothing your muscles with heat will help with cramping and make you feel better on your period.
+1 vote
answered Jun 29, 2019 by Chiraag (1,130 points)
edited Aug 3, 2019
If your period discomfort and pain is pretty severe, try taking ibuprofen or another medicine designed to help you feel better on your period. Sometimes it can work wonders and have you feeling a little more normal in no time, especially if you have a lot to do or important obligations.
commented Sep 13, 2015 by NMCRae295639 (120 points)
Thanks for answering my question how to feel better on your period.
0 votes
answered Aug 6, 2019 by Asia (650 points)
edited Aug 14, 2019
Everyone likes to stereotype a girl’s love for chocolate during her period, but we really do start craving these things! Unfortunately chocolate has caffeine in it, along with a lot of other things, and you should try your best to avoid caffeine to feel better on your period. It makes your body retain more water, which makes you feel achey, bloated, and crampy.
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