How to get a bat out of your house? To start with, grab and always wear a glove, preferably a leather glove (oven mitts should work well too). Avoid using your bare hands directly. This is critical to protecting yourself against rabies. Yes, bats do gives rabies. If it is flying around, wait for it to land, then keep your distant away from it. If it lands on a low ground, try to toss a towel over it. The weight of the towel will prevent the bad from taking off without causing any injury. Now scoop the towel up, keeping the bar safely wrapped inside.
If it lands somewhere higher, maybe on the wall or ceiling, then use a bucket or a can to contain the bat. Scrape the bat off the wall and carefully cover the entry with paper or a plastic folder. Now that you have captured the bat, get it to a neat distance away from your house before releasing it. Then run back and close off all the doors and windows so it won’t try to trap itself again. If you fail the above method, then just open all the windows and doors. It might pity your failing attempts and just leave voluntarily. And rabies? It’s less common these days, but if you are worried (or been bitten), then do get yourself checked for rabies.