The answer to the question of how to not take things personally is really more of a peek into how sensitive we are towards other people’s feelings than anything else. It only shows that we care a lot about what other people think about us. Otherwise, why take things personally?
We only stop taking things personally when we learn to stop trying to placate the feelings of people around us. This will allow us to stay calm even when other people are being rude, or abusive towards us. It is not our problem that they have bad attitudes, it’s theirs.
But ignoring how other people perceive us is easily said than done. After all, we are social beings who need the comfort and approval of our family, friends, and other people who we interact with everyday. But when we are sacrificing our emotions just to gain their approval, we will be left always questioning why they are acting that way toward or around us. That is the root of the reason why we take things personally.