I know that people can have some sentimental attachment to their plants the way they do with pets. But before you go on and try to revive a plant you need to establish some factors. First, you need to establish the extent of the damage. Second, make sure that the plant is worth the effort. If it is a common plant that can be replaced, better plant another one. Third, figure out the time it will take the plant to recover its lost glory. Last, make sure that the plant is not dead and can actually be revived.
To revive a stem, you should cut the stem’s back until you reach the first visible green matter. If the green matter is missing, cut off a third of the stem’s length until you get to it. It is advisable that you do the pruning just at the right time so that you avoid causing further damage to the plant. You can perform the pruning 14-21 days before the date of the last frost.
If the level of damage has affected the plant to the extent that its stem has no green matter, cut off the whole stem to the level of 2 inches above the ground. Then just cross your fingers and see whether it will produce any new stems. If nothing happens, then as a last resort, you may want to transplant it to another location.
Hope I've answered your question of how to revive a plant.