Why are dogs noses wet?

+75 votes
asked Jan 27, 2018 in Pets & Animals by Shakela (730 points)
edited Aug 9, 2019
My dog’s nose always feels cold and wet. I hear that’s a sign of a healthy dog, but why is a dog’s nose wet most the time?

3 Answers

+13 votes
answered Jun 27, 2018 by jermaine (750 points)
edited Aug 6, 2019
One of the reasons why dogs noses are wet is because it helps it smell more efficiently. Your dog depends on its sense of smell and uses it all the time whether it smells your burger frying on the stove or is trying to locate a rabbit in the back yard. Have you ever seen your dog simply standing at the doorway with its nose raised and sniffing the air before it goes outside? It’s checking out the area scents to make sure it doesn’t smell any intruders and having a wet nose helps it do this.

A dog’s nose secretes a thin layer of mucous and that mucous aids in absorbing scent chemicals. The dog then licks its nose and his tongue transfers those chemicals to the olfactory glands located on the roof of its mouth. This helps a dog determine if something is edible or not.

Although today’s domesticated dogs do not rely on their sense of smell as much as wild dogs did in the past, it is a trait that has been passed down through the centuries and is still employed by dogs today, especially by working dogs. Dogs, who use their nose to herd, or sniff out drugs or bombs, or who search and rescue, need to have a keen sense of smell to do their jobs.
+10 votes
answered May 26, 2018 by Kerry (990 points)
edited Oct 5, 2018
Dogs don’t sweat like people do when they are hot. Instead, they cool off through their noses, by panting. The damp nose helps with the cooling process. It’s part of the way they regulate their body temperature.
+4 votes
answered Jun 19, 2018 by Donna (860 points)
edited Feb 4, 2019
So why are dogs noses wet? A simple answer to this question is dogs lick their noses a lot.  

Not only does it help them collect scent chemicals, it’s also part of their grooming methods, especially after eating. If the meal was messy, they use their long tongues like napkins and swipe away the mess. Plus, whatever they clean off their noses with their tongues goes directly in the mouth and is the final bite of the meal.
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