Why are women so emotional?

+70 votes
asked Jan 25, 2019 in Relationships by Braeden (680 points)
edited May 12, 2019
It seems like my girlfriend is super sensitive. I say the least little thing wrong and she gets upset and angry. She cries about little things that I don’t think should be enough to turn on the waterworks. I just can’t figure her out. Why are women so emotional anyway?

2 Answers

+24 votes
answered May 5, 2019 by D. (700 points)
edited May 10, 2019
Ah, the question men have been asking since the beginning of time. There’s actually a logical answer to that question: men and women are different. Not only are they built different physically, but it is believed their brains function differently as well. The brain has a right side and a left side. The right side is more creative, handles language functions, facial perceptions, and producing emotions. The left side of the brain is used more for logistics and problem solving. Men use the left side of their brain more and women use both the right and left sides of the brain. That’s why men more often try to solve problems with logic and reasoning while women attempt to be creative and understand the feelings involved in the situation. Because women use the right side of the brain more, they are also better at talking about emotions and verbally expressing how they feel.

The question, why are women so emotional, implies that women are more emotional than men but recent studies have shown that may not be true. One study involved 15 mothers and 15 fathers who were each connected to skin conductance electrodes which measure physiological reactions. They were then shown videos and images that were meant to be either funny, exciting, blissful, or heartwarming. The results? Men had stronger physical reactions to all the images, though the difference was only marginal for the funny, exciting, or blissful material. When shown the heartwarming images, however, men reacted nearly twice as strongly as the women. The participants completed a questionnaire during the test and men declared they felt less emotion than women, but their physiological reactions proved differently.

That leads to the conclusion that men are just as emotional as women, but men have been trained since birth not to show their emotions outwardly. Society expects men to be stalwart and keep their emotions under check and most men live by that rule.
0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2019 by Rebecca (510 points)
edited Apr 16, 2019
I believe the question why are women so emotional itself is not asked in a right way, and of course it’s a way that only a guy could be able to come up with when asking for advice on relationship. I admit women tend to be more emotional than men at times, but it doesn’t mean women are the only group of people who’re emotional, guys sometimes could be even worse.
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