Why do cats shake their tails?

+75 votes
asked Feb 19, 2019 in Pets & Animals by Jo Ann (1,330 points)
edited Apr 5, 2019
Why do cats shake their tails? My young cat constantly shakes her tail. It’s kind of funny looking like the tail of a rattlesnake. I have had a few cats but they didn’t do this. She does it all the time regardless what she’s doing. Has anyone else seen their cats do this? It’s funny but I just want to know why she does this.

2 Answers

+12 votes
answered Jul 15, 2019 by Christina (990 points)
edited Jul 22, 2019

Cats communicate a lot with their tails. If you watch your cat’s tail, you’ll probably see that the shaking changes depending on her activity or what’s going on around her. Their tails usually portray their emotions.

  1. If your cat is annoyed, her tail will probably shake like crazy. She is not happy about something.
  2. If your cat is angry, the tail might shake but will also usually slowly whip back and forth. If the whipping back and forth at a quicker rate, watch out! She is probably very seriously upset, and maybe confused. She may lash out.
  3. She could be very happy or excited if her tail is vibrating and it’s pointed straight up.
  4. She might be restless, frustrated, or just impatient if just the tip of her tail is shaking. She might be bored but want to play.



+2 votes
answered Apr 8, 2019 by mari (450 points)
edited Jun 7, 2019
Why do cats shake their tails? When my cat’s tail starts going crazy, I watch out lol. He’s usually feeling playful or is annoyed. Either way, I know he’s just about to pounce. It is so funny. If I hold his tail, he gets more annoyed and makes weird and growling type “meows” but he usually won’t pounce on me after that. I just laugh. Cats are just so funny.
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