Why do dogs sleep at the foot of the bed?

+12 votes
asked Jul 12, 2018 in Pets & Animals by lilah (690 points)
edited Jul 21, 2019
Sometimes I let my little Chihuahua sleep in bed with me at night. No matter how much I try to cuddle him or pull him close to me, he always pulls away and wants to lie at the foot of the bed and sleep by my feet. Do dogs like to sleep at the bottom of the bed? Because our feet give off a stronger scent? Is it more comforting to them?

4 Answers

+10 votes
answered Feb 1, 2019 by Noel (740 points)
edited May 18, 2019
Puppies usually sleep by their mother’s tail or slightly separated as an instinctive way of protecting themselves from getting rolled on. This situation is very similar to that faced by dogs and their owners, especially if you have a smaller dog. It might make them uneasy to sleep right beside you when you’re so much bigger than them. So sleeping by the foot of the bed might be your dog’s way of feeling safer in case of a sleepy human accidentally rolling over them.
+9 votes
answered Sep 10, 2018 by Bridget (680 points)
edited Feb 25, 2019
You might be feeling bad because your dog sleeps at the foot of the bed and you want them to be affectionate instead, but this is actually a sign of respect. Sleeping at the bottom of the bed is a submissive stance, so really they’re just acknowledging the fact that you’re the alpha. A lot of dog trainers advise against letting your dog sleep in bed at all because in nature the pack leader gets the most comfortable bed. However, if you encourage your dog to sleep with you, then they might do this to show you that they’re still obeying the pack rules.
commented Mar 7, 2015 by Adama (380 points)
I like this answer to why do dogs sleep at the foot of the bed, feel I’m like a master, LOL
+3 votes
answered Feb 11, 2019 by shawn (560 points)
edited Jul 13, 2019
Dogs like to position themselves so that they can easily see any doors in the room. This is a protective instinct for safety, in case they need to flee or be alerted to any intruders. Depending on where your bed is positioned in your room, your dog might be sleeping at the bottom of the bed because it’s easier to see these doorways.
0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2018 by Monsy (840 points)
edited Sep 9, 2018
I’m a huge dog lover, and I’ve always allowed my dogs to sleep in bed with me every night. My Shih-tzu that I have now loves to cuddle and actually never sleeps at the foot of the bed! He loves to sleep along my back, because I usually sleep on my side, or near my head if he gets hot. I think that sometimes dogs are a lot like us and just have their sleeping preferences of what’s the most comfortable.
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