Why do we have nightmares?

+87 votes
asked Feb 26, 2018 in Science by Rose-Cherie (710 points)
edited Jul 19, 2018
Why am I having nightmares? I have been having a lot of them lately and I have had one recurring nightmare, on occasion, for years! What is the reason people have nightmares?

3 Answers

+27 votes
answered Jun 17, 2018 by Coleena (1,140 points)
edited Feb 26, 2019

Although nightmares, and dreams in general, usually have no specific reason whatsoever, there are medical and scientific theories as to why they may happen.

  • Not getting enough sleep: When your body and brain do not get the rest they require (including REM sleep), nightmares may occur when you actually do sleep. Any lack of sleep can cause this including sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and RLS.
  • Stress and anxiety: Constant thoughts about problems in life can cause you to have nightmares. This can be current stress and anxiety or past stress and anxiety, including PTSD.
  • Eating late: Eating increases metabolism and may, therefore, increase the rate at which the brain works when it should be resting.
  • Medication: Some medications cause nightmares. Most of these medications are prescribed to change the chemical makeup in the brain already such as antidepressants and antipsychotics.
  • Withdrawal: Withdrawal from any addicting drug (including nicotine and alcohol) can trigger many different psychological side-effects, including nightmares.

The following link may help you better understand and cope with your nightmares:


commented Apr 14, 2015 by Lynn (440 points)
For me, the first reason always give me nightmare. Yes, always. I found a solution occasionally, that is turn on the lamp near you. I don't know why but it does help. Maybe the light can dispel the nightmare.
+9 votes
answered May 9, 2018 by CHARLES (1,050 points)
edited Sep 18, 2018
Why do we have nightmares? Actually, nightmares are really bad dreams and dreams are built up from your subconscious. Sometimes these dreams and nightmares can be exactly what is going on in your life (or what has gone on) and sometimes dreams and nightmares (especially nightmares) can be a twisted and distorted version of what is in your subconscious.
+8 votes
answered Apr 4, 2019 by Jalisa (1,030 points)
edited May 29, 2019
Dreams and nightmares usually have to do with your daily life. If you have things going on that are really on your mind, your brain may turn them into subconscious thoughts and twist them up causing weird dreams and even nightmares. Usually nightmares are from your life’s stresses and anxieties.

Sometimes there can be other reasons for nightmares like drug use and withdrawal or certain sicknesses that may cause you to kind of hallucinate during sleep.
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