Why do we wear underwear?

+89 votes
asked Jul 10, 2018 in Culture & Society by Alicia (400 points)
edited May 10, 2019
Do we have to wear underwear? I mean, have people always worn underwear? Is it necessary? Was underwear created for a necessary reason or just for style? I’m sure there are certain times when a person might really want to wear underwear but is there a scientific reason why we should?

3 Answers

+11 votes
answered Dec 21, 2018 by Shaquinta (1,020 points)
edited Mar 29, 2019

No, we do not have to wear underwear. We could go forever without wearing it and have no real lasting side effects. Of course there are sometimes reasons why we should wear underwear! Some of these reasons are as follows:

  • We should definitely wear underwear if we decide to wear see-through clothing. No need to catch a case for indecent exposure!
  • Some clothes we have to wear might be rough or itchy and we will probably want underwear to protect certain areas.
  • People might want to wear underwear to protect their “areas” from protruding or outlined through clothes…women and “camel toes” and well….pretty apparent for guys!
  • To save on jeans or other pants to have to be washed more often. Underwear absorbs oils, sweat, and odors from our genital areas reaching our outer clothing.
  • Women on periods usually want to wear underwear to hold the pad (or panty liner, if they need with tampons) in place.
+2 votes
answered Jul 25, 2018 by Devon (540 points)
edited Jul 21, 2019
Why do we wear underwear? Not all people wear it, for example, I do not wear underwear EVER! I hate it! There is no reason for wearing underwear! I keep myself clean and wear comfortable and respectable clothing. Actually, for women, wearing underwear is known to be one of the biggest reasons they get yeast infection. I can only assume jock itch can be caused by wearing underwear as well. GO COMMANDO!!!!!!!
+1 vote
answered Jun 16, 2019 by Charity (870 points)
edited Aug 5, 2019
Some people wear underwear so their private areas will not be accidentally seen. This is true for women and dresses. There have been celebrity problems with this in the past!
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