This is Dalton at WhyDon' So the truth is I was never popular myself, but I was able to eventually find love and start a family. It all starts with confidence. Sure there are things you can change to try to make girls like you. You can even try to become something your not, but in the end you won't be happy.
I'm personally big on being myself, despite what others think. Do you love yourself and who you are? Do you do the things you love in life? I could never meet a good girl and i tried everything in the world. I've been a bad boy, a nice guy, and everything in between. When I started to figure out why girls don't like me, it was when I started focusing on being myself and doing the things I love.
Sure I improved my style, things I said, and improved my lifestyle. These changes though however were things I desired for myself; they weren't changed to make others like me. I'm not sure your age, but just know that good highschool and college who actually know why they want are few and far in between. If you're trying to attract girls that already know you, then that will make it even more difficult.
There is hope though and although things don't happen over night, they will happen I promise. My recommendation is to focus on yourself, continue to grow in life and get more out of your shell. Sure you can talk to women, but you don't need a woman. When you meet her then you will kno it. It's sad but true, accepting that mentality is a must.
You're doing great though. I've been through the depression of being alone; most of my highschool and college days were very dark relationship wise. It will happen when it happens. I can help you learn ways to improve your chances of attracting women though, but at the end of the day there are no "magic tricks". If you start to be yourself and find the happiness in loving yourself then she will see that happiness and it becomes an attraction magnet.
If you don't love yourself and your own life, then why should she? Most of the things you will find on the Internet are pick up lines and how to get laid. Stay out of bars, clubs, and preferably even dating websites. You don't need to become somebody your not, however you should always be improving your lifestyle for yourself only.
I'm speaking from my personal experience and also that of all my clients. I only work with "nice guys" who actually want to meet a decent girls. If your looking to "pick up" hot girls then there are a ton of resources out there for that. I wish you the best of luck though, even if this post may be outdated. Love is in the near future, just focus on being the best you can and becoming a person that you love to be. Believe in yourself and other will follow! Focus on how to love yourself instead of trying to figure out why don't girls like me. :)
Dalton From