Why is my Google in French?

+22 votes
asked Apr 27, 2018 in Computers & Electronics by kay (820 points)
edited Feb 6, 2019
I just went to Google something and realise it’s all in French now. It has been in English for the longest time I remember. So why is my Google in French? Is there a way I could fix this? Hopefully, I can prevent this in the future with other languages too. It’s also showing all the French results. It’s hard browsing what I want to search when I can’t even read what I am trying to search. Please help! Merci!

1 Answer

+12 votes
answered Jun 15, 2019 by tisha (1,130 points)
edited Aug 2, 2019
Oui. Google always act funny when dealing with language. Since it is a multilingual website, it constantly tries to detect your native language, so say if the next person using your computer types in mandarin, google will change its default language to accommodate that. If your Google is in French in the first place, you might have searched something in French and now google think you are gonna use French for a while. Usually searching for a few times in English will shift it back for you.

This has something to do with the search language preference, you can actually just set it in English and hope it sticks. Another source of the issue could be your location. Google search domain is automatically set to where you currently are, based on your IP address. If you are in Singapore, it will be Google.com/sg and for France it will be Google.com/fr. If you are in countries that speak two languages in the majority, like Canada where the second language is French, Google is more likely to set the language accordingly. So when your Google is in French, it is just Google messing up with its terrible language detection system.
commented Jun 6, 2015 by Delana (640 points)
edited Aug 23, 2015 by Kris
Yeah, I wanted to know why is my google in french, and sometimes in other languages... Now I got it.
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