Dust comes from a lot of sources. Dead skin that people and pets shed, carpets, bedding and clothing fibers, and of course from outside. It’s impossible to get rid of all the dust, considering that 60% of all dust in your home comes from the outside. How does all these dust let itself into your house? Dirt stuck to shoes could be one, and of course any opening to the outside. Gaps and cracks between windows, doors and electrical outlets to name a few, all provide a pathway for the dust to travel and get inside the house. And as the air flows through these openings, they will carry along all the dust particles along. As long as air is flowing within your house, dust will find a way. It’s not something to worry about, as long as the dust doesn’t bundle up too thick, the only thing irritating will be to constantly cleaning the house from it.
Although excessive dust in house, it is possible to reduce the dust, maybe by installing an air filter or just taking a few steps to minimize dirt in your house, such as taking off and leaving shoes outside. Simple things such as not having a doormat will add up the dust in the house. The doormat will be the first defense against the dust and dirt brought in by your shoes. Not having a carpet and keeping the house clutter free helps a lot in order to reduce the dust as well. The bed especially is one of the main culprits. Remember how dust is made up of dead skin cells? Beds would collect them so I would recommend changing the sheets every 10 days or so. If the problem continues, then just keeping a good cleaning habit will be enough to stay in an air healthy home.