You buy a new laptop and everything is fantastic. You’re so excited about its many functions, the multiple ways it can make your life easier, the gleaming potential you hold in your hands…and then one day you realize that the honeymoon is well and truly over. “Why is my laptop so slow?” you find yourself asking. But, did you know that there are ways you can make your laptop faster again? One of the first things you should do is check for unnecessary programs that could be running in the background and delete anything you don’t actually need. Be ruthless! Remember to use the ‘Uninstall’ feature as well; don’t just delete the shortcut from your desktop.
Once you’ve deleted all the junk, another way to make your laptop faster is to make sure you have installed up-to-date anti-virus software that is scheduled to run regular virus checks (deleting any nasty bugs that may have infiltrated your system).
Finally, if your Desktop looks cluttered, then it could be the reason why your laptop is slow – items saved on the Desktop create more work for your laptop, so move all non-essential items into a separate file.