Why is my own mother that has been raising me up since young, putting all her effort and everything she has into you, all in the hopes that you will grow up successful, so annoying you ask? As cliche as it sounds, it’s just a phase, maybe not so much of a phase, but the trial of maturity.
Take it this way, first you will hate your mother, then your siblings, then the teacher that keeps giving you extra homework over the weekend and in the future your overly touchy boss in the workplace. Funny thing about maturity is, it’s a slow change of understanding why everything happens the way it is. You don’t just suddenly turn into an adult when you are 21. You have to earn it. Maturity is all about tolerance, or pretending to tolerate anyway. That includes pretending to be an adult. When you have tons of responsibilities piled onto you, all the dull stuff, like taxes and mortgages, you could only press on and take one day at a time. That’s the way of life. When you totally get it, you won’t have a question, like why is my mom so annoying.