So why is my skin so dry? You know when our body is thirsty, the first thing that reacts is our skin. There are multiple reasons why our skin gets dry but the number one culprit seems to be lack of hydration. There are also other reasons that our skin gets dry that we don’t even think about. Everyday products that we use like soap and clothing can cause our skin to become irritated and can decrease moisture. Medical conditions can also be attributed to dry skin. People who have diabetes, a low functioning thyroid, and hormone changes can all complicate dry skin issues. There are times when skin gets so dry that it is necessary to see a doctor to heal it.
If you skin gets so dry that it begins to crack and bleed in large areas of your body, you should seek medical treatment almost immediately. A doctor can provide you with special soap and lotions to use until the skin is healed, but it will more than likely require you to be on a special regiment for a long period of time. If you feel that your skin is so dry that you can’t find any other options to heal it even though you have tried, make an appointment with your medical provider.