Why should we recycle?

+72 votes
asked Jun 7, 2018 in Culture & Society by Rebekah (1,270 points)
edited Jun 21, 2018
With the big environment craze and awareness that has become popular, you see things in the store all the time that say they were made with recycled materials. It seems like recycling bins are becoming more popular too in public. What is the importance of recycling?

5 Answers

+13 votes
answered Oct 19, 2018 by Kelsea (1,000 points)
edited Jul 16, 2019
Recycling is important because it helps conserve materials and Earth’s natural resources that we need to make new products. It makes more sense to reuse something if you can instead of just throwing it out. There are only so many natural resources, so if we deplete them all then there’s nothing for us to use in the future. Conserving these resources also means there’s less interference going on with habitats from people harvesting things like trees, so it helps the environment.
+10 votes
answered Apr 7, 2019 by Juan Ricardo (1,180 points)
edited May 22, 2019
Our landfills take up a lot of space, and there’s only so much room for trash on the Earth before it gets out of hand and we run out of room. Recycling is helpful because it means that much less trash is taking up space in landfills.
+9 votes
answered May 16, 2019 by monique (770 points)
edited May 24, 2019
Why should we recycle is a great question for this generation. As you know, global warming has become a major issue whose importance is just being recognized, and recycling is an important part of preventing this phenomenon from happening. Recycling waste contributes to preventing a lot of dangerous greenhouse gases from being produced. This really helps cut down on all kinds of pollution.
+7 votes
answered Sep 9, 2018 by Tura (1,000 points)
edited Jan 14, 2019
Using recycled materials really helps save energy that would normally be put into creating these materials from raw products. So we should all recycle to help conserve energy and other important resources.
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2019 by indesia (720 points)
edited Feb 18, 2019
There are a lot of jobs created because of the recycling programs, so recycling is good for the economy. All of these companies make up a significant amount of employment for people who wouldn’t have jobs otherwise.
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