Why don’t I get my period?

+15 votes
asked Feb 28, 2018 in Health & Wellness by joel (1,300 points)
edited Jun 27, 2019
Every other girl in school has gotten their period. I am 13 and I still haven’t. I even still look like a boy (flat chest). Could there be something wrong with me?

4 Answers

+10 votes
answered Aug 15, 2018 by Heath (930 points)
edited Apr 12, 2019

The normal range of teenage girl getting their period is between 8 and 15. You are still well within this range, so you really have nothing to worry about. Some girls even start before or after this normal range. You may not have breasts yet, but you may have other signs that puberty is in progress, such as pubic hair or armpit hair. Once you start getting signs (breasts and/or hair) your period will usually start about 2 years after the first sign. Of course, this varies too… You may begin within a year from the first sign of puberty.

Also, check you panties for signs that you may be close to starting your period. Usually a girl will begin seeing a thin discharge up to a year before you actually start your first period. This discharge will either be clear or slightly white, and will look a little like mucus.

Sometimes women, within a family, start their periods around the same age. You could ask your mom, or older sister, or even an older cousin, how old they were when they started their periods. This is not always the case though. My mom and her sister both started around the age of 13. My sister and I both started at the age of nine. My children (I have four girls) all started at the ages of 11 and 12. The starting age appears to be generational in my family.

There are, however, a few lifestyle and medical issues that can cause a girl to have a delay in starting their period.

Lifestyle issues can include:

  • Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Weighing too little for your age/body size, being underweight
  • Vigorous exercise or athletic routines

I only know of one medical issue and that is only because one of my best friends has it. Her issue is a birth defect. She was born without a uterus. This is a very rare issue, so don’t just think you have it (I have four girls. I know how your minds work. :)

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about the fact that you haven’t started your period yet (also do not worry about not having breasts yet…that could be a blessing in disguise!). If you don’t start in a couple years, or a few years after you begin to have the first signs of puberty, you can have a consultation with your doctor to discuss possible reasons or causes for not starting your period.

+5 votes
answered Oct 5, 2018 by Cura (590 points)
edited Jul 12, 2019
Why don’t I get my period? Yes, I am wondering the same thing. I’m even older than you! I will be 15 next month and haven’t started my monthly yet. I’m not sure on the breast thing though because I do have to wear a bra.
+5 votes
answered Nov 25, 2018 by Selena (520 points)
edited Jan 21, 2019
Why don’t you get your period? This is because everyone starts at different ages. I have heard of girls starting their period as early as seven years old and as late as 19. Everyone is different and hits different life milestones at different ages. You sound very normal to me. Also, if I were you, I would enjoy not having it, because once you start you will wish it would just go away.
+2 votes
answered Jan 6, 2019 by Crystal (1,040 points)
edited Jan 30, 2019
Every girl starts at different times. You are only 13 years old. Relax! Nature will take its course in due time. Calm down and enjoy being a kid without that annoying responsibility and inconvenience. I started early (in elementary) but friends of mine didn’t start until their sophomore and junior years in high school.
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